One-Stop Provider for Stress and Strain Measurement Products

Micro-Measurements, a Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (VPG) brand, is dedicated to the development, manufacture, and marketing of resistive-foil sensors for high-precision strain measurement. Micro-Measurements offers a full complement of strain gages (gauges), PhotoStress® equipment and coatings, data acquisition systems, and gear necessary to obtain accurate, reliable stress data. Our products are used throughout the world — both in the practice of stress measurements analysis and as the sensing elements in a wide variety of transducers for measuring physical variables (weight, force, torque, pressure, etc.).


man drawing gear with text that reads STRAINBLOG

Questions and answers on the go! Listen to Micro-Measurements experts explain the many facets of strain gage technology.

man touching arrow to start video

Explore our extensive collection of tutorials and informational videos on a variety of strain measurement topics.

hands holding pop can with strain gage adhered to it

Explore our free education seminars aimed at helping Design and Test Engineers understand strain gage theory selection, preparation, performance, installation, configuration, and more.

micro-measurements training center

Benefit from an extensive series of regularly scheduled, hands-on technical workshops and short courses.